Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fraggle Blog - Red's Club

Episode IIxiii, written by Jocelyn Stevenson.

Rowlf! Doc mentioned Rowlf!

After Pa Gorg caught the four Fraggles, he went to get his "blunderbuss". This seems like proof positive that he wanted to kill the Fraggles. And he apparently wanted to kill Red, even though she had just helped him.

I wish I hadn't read in the Muppet Wiki that Karen Prell was sick during this taping and Steve Whitmire had to puppeteer Red, with Karen dubbing the lines afterwards. I wonder if I would have had an inkling that something like that was going on. It seemed easy to detect Whitmire's puppetry style with the knowledge in hand, but would I have known? I wish I knew!

This episode was a significant step forward in the evolution of the show. Red and Cotterpin Doozer interacted a good deal, further eroding the barrier between Fraggles and Doozers. But apparently the murderous, bloodthirsty Gorgs are beyond hope. We'll see!

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